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Neurological REhabilitation

Dr. Guillemette's years of experience in the field of neurology help him deal with all sorts of complex neurological conditions. 

For many individuals, the connection between neurology and chiropractic is not apparent. However, chiropractic is a receptor-based approach to healthcare that has a direct effect on the nervous system. Dr. Eric Guillemette has been granted a Diplomat in Functional Neurology (D.A.C.N.B) and understands and appreciates the influence that one body system has upon the other. That's the reason why the Dr. Guillemette utilizes receptor-based systems to improve brain neurological function.

How might this benefit you?

Understanding how the brain and nervous system functions allows Dr. Guillemette to interpret and analyze the system more effectively to identify any weakness that might be present. Understanding subtle differences in the system allows The Neuro Edge to treat complex conditions accurately. Conditions such as migraines, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, vertigo, dizziness, brain fog, and many more debilitating conditions can be helped with chiropractic care and an understanding of neurology.



To understand more about the specialized therapies and diagnostic equipment used by Dr. Guillemette click the links bellow. 

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